
More concepts to translate:

 Difficult things to translate from chapter one of Txon'ongmaw:
  • police -
  • statue - ngawnop tskxefa
  • table -
  • adopted -
  • office (at the school) -
  • stranger - i'd say 'eylanay but Bella's quite disinterested in making friends. eh i'll just use it anyway
  • blush -  meflawm slu som/tun
  • trip over/fall - oe täpungzup
  • desk
  • maths class - tìftiä ayholpxayti
  • noticable
  • jealousy
  • embarassed 
  • frustrated
  • annoyed/irritated
Yep there's lotsa stuff that's going to be annoying to translate, lol. But I really want to do this because it's good for me to distract myself from bad depression thoughts.

Give us a yell if you have any ideas about how to translate these concepts! Irayooooo


  1. Hmm.. "jealousy" li lu fkor, "fmokx" :3
    "Annoyed", kxawm tsun nga sivar lì'u alu "srätx" srak? Natkenong: "Pol srolätx oeti."
    "Stranger"teri.. Ngäzìk.. Kxawm 'uot pxel "stxong-tu" srak?
    Ke omum oe >__<

  2. I’d say
    ngawnopa tute a tskxeta ‘created person from stone’
    yo a yem / yì a yem for ‘table’ after the model of mo a yom etc.
    mo for ‘office’ … I think the meaning will get clear.
    I always translate ketuwong as both ‘alien’ and ‘stranger’ because what else is an alien if not something different, unfamiliar, strange to oneself; the Other.
    ‘trip’ is tìran nìnu, lit. ‘walk failingly’. It’s from one of the latest blog entries.
    ‘desk’ = same as table, the meaning will get clear
    ‘math’ would be tìftia ayholpxayä ‘study of numbers’ after the model of ‘science’.
    I have no idea for ‘noticeable,’ ‘embarrassed,’ ‘frustraded’.
    As Le’eylan said, ‘jealous’ is done via ‘I have jealousy’ > lu oeru fmokx. It’s neutral, so you can distinguish between längu or leiu to give it a negative or positive connotation. I’d also translate ‘annoyed’ as srätx.
    We had a proposed word for ‘watcher/watchman’ - that would be perfect for ‘police’…


Aysìfpìlit ngeyä yem fìtsengmì:
